The Juviataean - The philosophy of Juan and how you should live your life.

  1. Think more: putois
  2. Decode the true beauty: verado  
  3. Stop thinking of yourself as a lower being: necreus
  4. Respect your form of a family: respae
  5. Let people be who they are: etum
  6. Don't try to live in luxury try to live your life: necae
  7. Love nature: amorura
  8. Calm the mind with meditation and walks: tranqmi
  9. Love life: amarta
  10. Let go of your guilt and stress once a while: dimias
  11. Need to be yourself: etsum
  12. There's always opposite of something and nothing could exist if that wasn't true: contum
  13. Your life is like a seed you'll soon grow as a big strong-minded tree and soon passed away: arbor
  14. Death is both beautiful and ugly: mortem
have a good life: beauty
Have a bad life: ugly
  1. Carma exist: quodvoto
  2. Focus on the present: focuinsens
  3. Do things that can benefit everybody: haecam
  4. Do good things for everybody even if it's small: beneis
  5. Connect with other people: adreus
Love people from there personality: quior 


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