I call bigfoots = o ánthropos
Every type of o ánthropos
1 American bigfoot 9 feet tall brown hair
2 Brazilian bigfoots aka mapinguari 6 feet tall brown hair and have a strong smell
3 Indian bigfoot aka mande burung eight feet tall blackish-brown hair
3 Australian bigfoot aka yowie 12 feet tall black hair
4 Sumatra bigfoot aka orang pendek 5 feet tall chocolate brown or orange hair
5 Chinese Bigfoot aka yeren 9 feet tall red or gray hair
6 Western Siberia and Himalayasas yeti seven feet tall red eyes white hair 10 feet tall
o ánthropos scream
Scream or howl
o ánthropos walk
Walk like if they're on a tightrope
o ánthropos act
Trow rocks
Turn head very slowly
Knock 2 times
Near rivers
Bigfoot are more attracted to darker haired big foot except for yeti
o ánthropos body
Have short legs
Have long arms
Flat feet
An American Bigfoot feet size is 17 inches in length and 4 inches in with
o ánthropos sightings
The American bigfoot is more likely to be in Washington
The Mapinguari is more likely to be in the amazon rainforest
The mande burung is more likely to be in the Meghalaya subtropical forests
The yowie is more likely to be in the eastern seaboard along the Great Dividing Range.
The orang pendek is more likely to live in Indonesia
The yeren is more likely to live in the western Hubei
The yeti is more likely to live in the Himalayan mountains.
How do the o ánthropos look like
American bigfoot
Mande burung
orang pendek
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