
Showing posts from August, 2019


I call bigfoots = o ánthropos Bigfoot Every type of o ánthropos  1 American bigfoot 9 feet tall brown hair  2 Brazilian bigfoots aka mapinguari 6 feet tall brown hair and have a strong smell 3 Indian bigfoot aka mande burung eight feet tall blackish-brown hair 3 Australian bigfoot aka yowie 12 feet tall black hair 4 Sumatra bigfoot aka orang pendek 5 feet tall chocolate brown or orange hair 5 Chinese Bigfoot aka yeren 9 feet tall red or gray hair 6 Western Siberia and Himalayasas yeti seven feet tall red eyes white hair 10 feet tall o ánthropos scream  Bigfoot sound Scream or howl  o ánthropos walk Bigfoot walk Walk like if they're on a tightrope o ánthropos act Trow rocks Turn head very slowly Knock 2 times Near rivers Bigfoot are more attracted to darker haired big foot except for yeti  o ánthropos body what does bigfoot look like Have short legs Have long arms Flat feet An American Bigfoot feet ...

Rambra and ramnu

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Ta ba ca do Ae fae gae ha io ju Ko lo ma na aeo po qa ro sa aet ua vo wa aex yu zo Pronouns I ,my ,he ,his ,she ,her ,they ,we Io , Mayu ,hae ,haosa ,sae ,haero ,taeyu ,wae Verbs To be, to have, to like, to go, to make Taeo bae, taeo haoae, taeo loae, taeo gaeo, taeo maoae Simple words A ,and ,the ,but ,or Ta ,tado ,aetae ,baet ,aeoro 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vata uana waofa Taba faco vae Nasa basa taega tae uavata  + Tado - Aet × mac ÷ sao = tae 1000 = uavataba 10,000 = auvataco 1,000,000 = uavatae 11= uavana 12= uavafa

another world map timeline FIX

1401 Africa was made 1409 Africa declare war on wahail lee 1411 rucha was made 1415 rucha declare war on Hugh capet  France was made in 1421 1425 huge made the belief of world peace by controlling everything  1500 mezam was made 1520 the war of mezam and rucha 1527 peace for mezam and rucha Australia was made in 1528 1529 rucha took apart of France  1535 there was a rebellion that made that piece of France into Germany Spain was made in 1540 1776 bamsaenz was made 1778 bamsaenz kicked out Spain 1780 new Spain was made 1785 a rebellion was made and it was called ramsaenz 1786 raden went to jail 1789 raden escape and change his name into raena 1790 ramsaenz became a country 1791 Rambam war 1 1793 rambra was made 1796 ramsaenz won 1796 there was a contract between bamsaenz and ramsaenz 1798 ramnu was made 1800 world war 1 1804 Germany lost 1805 racism started 1939 world war 2 1945 the German Nazi lost 1946 Rambam w...

the multiverse formula

The Decisions equation  D×35000 = d Muta effect When a big thing happen and create a new universes At least 1 de to make A universe  d=m(1s) Duc seconds effect Day: M(1s) × 35000 = m(1D) Year: M(1D)×365= m(y) At least 447,125,000,000 multiverse each year D= days d= desions m= multiverse 1s= 1 second 1d= 1 day y= year