I call bigfoots = o ánthropos Bigfoot Every type of o ánthropos 1 American bigfoot 9 feet tall brown hair 2 Brazilian bigfoots aka mapinguari 6 feet tall brown hair and have a strong smell 3 Indian bigfoot aka mande burung eight feet tall blackish-brown hair 3 Australian bigfoot aka yowie 12 feet tall black hair 4 Sumatra bigfoot aka orang pendek 5 feet tall chocolate brown or orange hair 5 Chinese Bigfoot aka yeren 9 feet tall red or gray hair 6 Western Siberia and Himalayasas yeti seven feet tall red eyes white hair 10 feet tall o ánthropos scream Bigfoot sound Scream or howl o ánthropos walk Bigfoot walk Walk like if they're on a tightrope o ánthropos act Trow rocks Turn head very slowly Knock 2 times Near rivers Bigfoot are more attracted to darker haired big foot except for yeti o ánthropos body what does bigfoot look like Have short legs Have long arms Flat feet An American Bigfoot feet ...